
humpty dumpty...

He sat on the wall, then he fell off the wall... then all the kings horses and all the kings men..couldnt put him back together again... although i am sure with enough super glue and ducttape they could have mended him up quite nicely...

my question....

WhY tHe Eff WaS hE SiTTiNg ThE WaLL In tHe FiRsT PLaCE??

why do any of us do anything anymore?

i think about that often. why do we do certain things? things that have ba outcomes? or hard to deal with outcomes? ones that hurt us physically, or emotionally, or even spiritually? some would argue that we do it for experience. Screw that, i know that every time i have been caught in a situation that i could have avoided [like sitting on the wall] i didnt sit there before hand and say, i think ill do this for the experience of it all.

life is full of times where we sit on the wall. sometimes we are silly enough to rock and roll a little bit in the fun times, but then we dont realize that our balance is not to good and there we go toppling to the ground to be smashed in a thousand pieces waiting for the right people to come by who know where the super glue and tape is so that we can be put back together again...

are you thinking in your head... "where are those good people?"

Take a look around. they are your parents,siblings, and friends... yes even the ones you dont think are really good friends and are more a social hello than a friend. true some of our parents really did an awful job and they ended up royally sucking as parents. yes some of our siblings have gone off the deep end. even yes some of our friends have turned and looked us in the eye and smiled while stabbing us in the back [not litterally, if they really have done that then i dont know who you are hanging out with] But the fact of the matter is we all have at least 1... AT LEAST, ONE, person who is close to us that can help put our little egg shells back together.

but we need to let them....

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