

just a reaffirming post to let everyone on here know that i love Peter Wannebo and am grateful to have him in my life! =]


Valentines day =]

I know everyone looks forward to Valentines day as either the best day thatthey are going to spend with the one that they love, or they look at it as a way to celebrate Single Awarness day [S.A.D] and now i can say i have been on both sides!

i had never had a real valentine before, always seemed something went wrong before i got the chance to spend it with someone which made it all the more special that Peter and I are together. I didnt know what to expect actually and thought i would just go with the flow of what ever happens becasue i am NOT a girl who demands that someone pay all attention to me... i was more worryied that i wasnt going to make it memorable enough for him.

Peter told me that he ordered my Present, and haha, silly guy, i knew exactly what it was... dont ask me how i knew but i did... he was all excited and then asked if he could tell me since he doesnt like to keep things that he gets for people from them... i asked if he would let me guess... so i did. i should have played it out longer but i guessed right away that it was a camera...

this camera to be exact!
so then on Friday we went to Best Buy after he got off work and picked it up... =]
he was sooo excited! [i was too, but it was fun watching him be all excited and it showed how much he loved me... ]

I made a scrapbook and filled some of the pages with pictures that we already haev together and then left room to fill the other pages as we take more pictures [haha with my new camera of course!!!] and a FROG wooden Valentine "Card", because he is my prince... i didnt have to kiss many forgs to find him though.. thank goodness for his sake and mine!! haha, just kidding ;]

then tonight we went out to Oceanside for dinner [we were going to go to Downtown Disney, but had a change of plans that ended up changing even more] so we went to
Harbor Fish and Chips, a place i have gone since i was 4 years old and my grandfather had his boat docked in the Harbor at Oceanside, and we ate then went down to the water...
this is a picture of the Harbor where the Fish and Chips is located... its fabulous! =]

we walked and talked and it was nice to be out with the calming of the waves... i told him that i would really like to dance with him [i love dancing with him] and so we put on OUR song [Save Room, by John Legend]
[Funny thing is when we are in the car and are talking about John Legend, we talk about the CD like it was a rweal person "peter, where is john at?" "i dont know, he`s not in his case..." haha...he is the best] and Slow Danced out on the bech in the dark. it was very nice. I really truly had a great day, and i love Peter more than i can say! he makes me so happy =]... this was a perfect day <3


... my morning

this morning i woke up and everything was fine, i got ready to leave my house to take my sister to Denny`s [i was going to let her skip seminary this once] for the free brekfast deal, and when i went to start my car it wouldnt start. that was random... and not very appreciated... i left NO lights on in my car, my ipod was not plugged in, and no doors were left open... [trust me being a nanny i had issues with peoples cars not starting becasue of doors being left open... ] so i started getting upset as to what i could have possibly done wrong, that would cause this to happen. my mom told me to call Triple A and have then come jump start it for me so i could go buy a new battery. they sent someone from Yucipa and i had to wait 50 minutes for them to get to my house. im glad they came but was not to thrilled when the guy said that my battery was shot and i needed to get a new one. now its about 7:40 and my class out in Norco has already started so i was pretty sure that i wasnt even going to make it for class which makes me upset becasue i am really wanting to learn now and i dont like missing out on stuff becasue then i feel left behind.... then NONE of the places i went to were open yet... they all opened at 8 am... i cant shut off my car because then it wont start again, so i have to drive around for 15 minutes till one of the places opens up... i had exactly a hundred dollars to get a new battery and have it installed in my car which doesnt leave me a lot of room to play with becasue i have an odd battery i guess... the first place wanted 109.78 to do it all... then i went to Pep Boys and they said they could do it for 99.79. a small tender mercy from the Lord i have no doubt. by the time they installed the battery it was 8:45 and now i still have to take my sister to school, and worry about if i can make it in time for class... i didnt think i would so i have to skip today. but i cant miss my afternoon class so ill be driving out to Norco around 2 so i can make it. im sorry if i seem ungrateful or rude, becasue i know that the lord showed me several blessings this morning but i wonder, why me... what lesson do i need to learn other than patience, and perserverence? i could have been in class learning about chemistry. im sure there is a reason that im not seeing here...

hopefully i havent ruined your morning or day by letting this all out...